
Creating from Linen, upcycling from vintage and loving Romantic, French and country styles.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Am i going to frilly?....

What gorgeous days we have been having, with the hint of a storm in the afternoon and even some afternoons a refreshing shower to cool the warm days. I just love spring. Today i finished covering this umbrella with a new frilly design, just abit different. Thats one down and 3 more to cover this week. The eco expo has come around fast and i have been abit relaxed laterly..

This one is sideways so sorry about that..

These are just acouple of pictures of some spring flowers in my garden. This one is called teacup and saucers. I so love these they come in pinks to.

This is a window box with some lovely little pansys, they are crossed with a viola, so they are small dainty flowers. The photo below has a hidden beauty watching over the growing little angel faced pansy's.

This should have been at the top with the other umbrella photos.
Its made in such a lovely crisp white fabric. I think this design will look charming in a floral as well.
Until next time take care.


  1. Absolutely charming! Love the ruffles! You are so talented!


  2. Hi Tina, I think it's beautiful, not too frilly at all! I love that first flower, teacup and saucers, might have to get hold of some of that for my garden too! take care, Maryann

  3. I don't think they are too frilly either, just beautiful! I've never seen the teacup and saucer flower it too is beautiful...lucky you to have spring around you, we are just going into winter:(


  4. Oh' I love your pretty spring flowers! Wish I can have a visit to your garden to see them personally. Anyway, thanks for sharing this post. Looking forward for your next post.




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