
Creating from Linen, upcycling from vintage and loving Romantic, French and country styles.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My new baby girl...

Hi everyone, I feel like ive dropped off this earth laterly. Been busy with my full time job that i do from home, which is great but in someways i feel its alittle harder than actually going out to work. At least when you have come home work is left behind, Anyway, I have a new little girl. Her name is daisy and she is a kelpie/cattle/bordercollie cross dog. That would make for one very active dog.. She is coming up 10wks old this saturday.

 She looks like butter wouldnt melt in her mouth...

Its coming up 4 years since i had a pooch, I did miss having a furry friend around.... Lets hope i dont regret it lol....Shes teething on my furniture, cane baskets, lounge..... Have a wonderul evening.


  1. Hi Tina~ I totally know what you mean. Its really hard to work from home. Hang in there. Your new puppy is sooo cute. have a great week:))

  2. I have my 10 year old daughter here saying OH mum she's just beautiful can we have one too.
    Daisy is a lovely name she is so cute.Cheryl



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